Promotion Group

The Dexter Cattle Promotion Group of Tasmania currently comprises 26 member studs. Members from all parts of Tasmania collectively promote Dexter cattle at a number of shows and expos held in various locations in Tasmania. We are an active group whose annual activities would typically include the activities described below.
Our principal promotion event of the year is mounting and running a Dexter Cattle Stand at Agfest. In 2014 we teamed up with other producers to form a Beef Expo focus area.
Member hosted on farm Field days are held regularly providing group members and the public with the perfect opportunity to become more familiar with Dexter cattle and their owners. One field day in 2014 was a Heritage open day held in conjunction with the National Trust of Tasmania where our heritage breed was showcased.
Members regularly present cattle at shows including Wynyard, Launceston Royal, Ulverstone, Scottsdale, Deloraine and Devonport.
Our main fund raising event is the “Taste of the North West” which is held in April in Sheffield where we generally treat the public to fresh Dexter beef rolls. Not only does this event help raise promotion funds for the group but is the ideal opportunity to introduce the public to the pleasures of quality Dexter beef.
The group recently bought and kitted out a promotions trailer that is used to store and transport our publicity material, show canopies and promotional equipment to events.
We have a brochure that showcases those members keen to interact with the public available in printed form or as a PDF file that can be emailed. Please make use of the easy enquiry contact panel located to the left of this page to request a copy of the brochure or ask any questions you may have about the Group, Dexter cattle or coming events.