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Promotion Groups


The Manning Valley Group are Dexter Cattle enthusiasts of the Mid-North Coast. They are an enthusiastic and diverse group of people who in the main are hobby farmers but we do have some larger breeders amongst the group members. Many of our members had little experience with cattle until they found Dexters and, for most, that was the beginning of a whole new aspect of their lives.



Australia's First Dexter Cattle Promotion Group. Established in 1991, the Sydney Group brings together DCAI Members and Dexter enthusiasts located in the Sydney region of NSW. The boundaries of the Sydney Group encompass the areas of Hawkesbury, Hunter Valley, Central Coast, Central West Tablelands, Illawarra and the Southern Highlands.



South-East New South Wales is bounded by the Pacific Ocean on the east, the Brindabella Mountains on the west, with national parks and state forests to the northerly and southerly extremes. The Dexter Group of South East NSW represents the full diversity of the breed and its breeders; many of whom aspire to the principles of sustainable land management practices, feed efficiency, fodder self-sufficiency and genetic conservation.



The Dexter Cattle Promotion Group of North Coast NSW covers a large area from Tweed Heads in the north to Macksville in the south and Dorrigo to the west. We meet four times a year at different locations, often combining this with a field day so as many members and interested persons as possible can catch up and talk Dexter Cattle. Our field days focus on a specific range of topics which form the framework of interactive workshops.



The Dexter Promotion Group of Riverina (DCAI) consists of a small group of enthusiastic breeders who come from all walks of life. Member's activities and aims extend to the production of gourmet food featuring Dexter beef, breeding for true dual purpose qualities – both meat and milk, training easy care livestock for home-farm and show quality cattle. Our members range from the one cow family right through to the larger herds who run their farms on a more commercial basis. We have members who are certified organic farms, and the Dexters excel in this field. We have a widely varied age range, from juniors right through to retirees, and our aim is to support members and promote Dexters in mid and southern inland New South Wales beyond the coast and ACT regions.



At Northern Inland we consider ourselves privileged to have a diverse group of people who have knowledge and experience in all manner of lifestyles that they are willing to share. Being interested in Dexter Cattle is all very well but to facilitate breed shows, youth camps and promotions takes a whole raft of skills other than those of a cattleman. Our members tend to think education when they think promotion and are very keen to support new members and would be Dexter breeders with practical, hands on field days.


Phone: (02) 4232 3333

PO Box 431 Shellharbour City NSW 2529

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