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Limited Offer

To celebrate the introduction of our new website, DCAI are offering free "For Sale" listings for a limited time.


Fill out the below form to take advantage of this special offer.


*Note: applications must be approved by DCAI Council prior to publishing.

Registered Dexters from Registered Members


DCAI Members can list their Dexter Cattle available for sale here.
If you would like your animal featured, please contact LBC with information and 2 photos for approval.

For Sale

Billabong Saucy Sansa HB#48243

Presenting for sale Billabong Saucy Sansa, a young registered 3 year old Dexter cow. She is sired by the AI bull Elmwood Robson and out of a top show winning cow, offering quality genetic diversity. The black heifer calf at foot, born 1/8/24, can be included in the offer until time of weaning POA. Sansa is halter trained and has participated in shows and Handlers days. She has very attractive darker points and lovely structured udder and teats. Although originally horned, she has been dehorned. The calf is sired by a heterozygous polled registered bull and Sansa has been mated back to the same bull.


Price: $1,500 Cow only


Trish Cabassi

DCAI Member #10086

Phone: 0411 435 283

Billabong Saucy Sansa Image 1.jpg

For Sale

Newinn Dunderrow HB#82526

DCAI Registered Bull


Dunderrow is an extremely quiet bull. He was Supreme at the last Sunshine Coast On Farm Challenge. Dunderrow carries all 3 colours and he is himself dun colour. Good bloodlines and a very loveable animal in ones herd. Contact Hazel for more information. Please leave a message and Hazel will contact you if not available to answer the telephone. 


Hazel Innes

DCAI Member #11057

Phone: 0419 755 347


For Sale

Dexter Semen

10 x Shootlands Ben Macdhui

3 x Billabong Remus

2 x Cranworth Samson

5 x Kalinda Angus

OR would exchange some for

Rosebrook Romany

Dothealyst Linton


John Broad

Ph: (02) 6732 3623

Leave Message: 0487 083 994

For Sale Image.png

Phone: (02) 4232 3333

PO Box 431 Shellharbour City NSW 2529

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