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Dexter Beef is Tender and Flavorsome

The well marbled beef will retain its juicy texture even when cooked “well done”.


Dexters have struggled to be a commercially recognized beef breed in Australia, as they are slower to grow out. Fast growth equals fast money often at the expense of quality in flavor and tenderness. Slow growth has not been any barrier to their popularity in their native UK, with several specialty butcher shops basing their trade on the breed.


The beef market in Australia has not recognised that Dexters can have a similar amount of beef on a smaller frame, the main difference is there is less waste with less bone and internals. The big surprise is Dexters can have a bigger ratio of eye muscle to carcass weight compared to other commercial beef breeds.


  • The time it takes Dexters to grow out produces a lot more natural flavour, which is sadly lacking in store bought beef.

  • It is possible that they have the highest level of natural hormone of any breed which contributes directly to consistently tender, slightly marbled, delicious award-winning beef.

  • At around 24 months, a grass-fed steer on good feed should produce at least a 175kg carcass on the hook; at 30 months it should be at around 215kg. Dexters take less feed than other beef cattle, so their feed conversion rate is at around one third better than other beef breed cattle.


Recently, Dexters have been sought after for the “heritage and aged cow” beef market. Some butchers have made the shift to quality over quantity and find Dexters have developed a loyal market for dry aged Dexter beef.


Dexters are perfect for the home freezer and one beast will keep a family of four happy for most of the year.


Dexter Beef now proudly sits on celebrity chef menus and regularly makes appearances on food programs as a feature specialty product.



Phone: (02) 4232 3333

PO Box 431 Shellharbour City NSW 2529

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